Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adjustment to time difference

There is an eight hour difference between London time and San Francisco time.
When Carl and I returned to London after the birth of little Nathaniel, it was Monday, and we jumped right back into our daily activities beginning on Tuesday. Carl went to the office each day, and I went to the gym two days, and then on another day I took a morning tour of London with a local group. By Friday, both of us felt more tired than usual. On Friday night, though, we both were awake several times during the night - and we put on the light and read our books to fall back to sleep.
Well, when Saturday morning came, we slept until 11:00 am. In 41 years of marriage I can count on one hand the number of times Carl has stayed in bed that late. We got up - took our showers and got dressed - then both of us lay down on the sofas and continued to read our books - and to fall off into naps throughout the afternoon.
We met our friends, Marcia and Pete, for dinner out at 6:45, and then had them to our place for dessert afterwards. Carl went to bed on time, but I discovered the presidential debates on television and decided to watch.
That was several hours ago. Now it is 2:40 am, and I am supposed to meet Marcia at 9:30 am for a trip to the Sunday markets at Brick Lane. I'm not feeling sleepy in the slightest bit, but I guess it's time to go to bed......

Word Origins

Yesterday, while taking a guided tour of parts of London, I learned the origins of two local words.

Parliament was the name given to the group of leaders during the time when they all spoke French because William the Conqueror was French. They would meet and discuss or talk (in French it is 'parlez') about issues.

Westminster is the name of the area where all the government and power is in London. It began when one King decided to build a monestary (or minster) on the west bank of the Thames River - where at the time there was only swamp land. That is the location of Westminster Abbey today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A baby grandson

After two weeks, Carl and I are returning to London, but we have left our hearts in San Francisco with our new little baby grandson, Nathaniel John. Nate is a beautiful and sweet little baby boy who has enriched our lives and captured our hearts. Welcome to the world, little baby Nathaniel.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

American Election

Today, when the cashier at the gift shop realized we were Americans, she immediately asked us what we thought of Sarah Palin. She complained that her husband is "totally obsessed" with the American election -- that he watches news stories about it day and night.
(I don't know where he finds those news stories, because I can't find them myself.)

The other day, our taxi driver also brought up the election. He wanted to know what we thought of Obama. A major discussion ensued - and Carl and the taxi driver wound up agreeing to disagree.

If the English could vote - Obama would be the next president -- without any question!
They are all big fans of his over here.

UPDATE: The American ex-pat president of a local organization stated in her newsletter that some British folks have commented that they should be able to vote for the American president. They feel that they are so impacted by the results of the election that they should be able to have a say in it.

Chartwell House

Today Carl and I took a 30-minute train ride outside of London to Chartwell House - the country home of Winston Churchill.

(We originally planned to go to an agricultural fair in the Cotswolds -- a fair with a horse show and a dog show and demonstrations of other livestock like goats, pigs, and chickens. There was also going to be home crafts as well as food items. But recent heavy rains - as well as more rain predicted for today - caused them to cancel half the events at the fair. So we decided an indoor venue would be more appropriate for the day. )

Churchill's country home was charming - with beautiful gardens, several ponds, and an enormous natural-looking swimming pool - all on large stretches of green fields and hills. We took a tour through the inside of the house which is filled with the original furniture used while Churchill lived there.

Chartwell House is one of many hundreds of historical houses and castles around Britain that are owned and maintained by The National Trust. (We were fortunate to have been given a membership in the National Trust by our Weston friends, Sandra and Bruce, when we first arrived in London.)

On the way back to the train station from Chartwell House, we asked the taxi driver to take us through the High Street (Main Street) of Seven Oaks - the town where we would catch the train back to London. The taxi driver (who, by the way, is a retired math and physics teacher who now writes books for teenagers) told us that Seven Oaks is a very expensive town because it is only a 30-minute commute from London. The homes are beautiful there - and the schools are very good. The High Street was filled with interesting shops - and there was a pedestrian area in the middle of town so folks could shop without worrying about traffic.

On the train back to London, Carl and I commented on how, whenever we travel to the English countryside, we have seen no shopping centers and no strip malls. When you leave London on the train, and move past the the homes in the outskirts, and the industrial areas, you quickly come across green fields and meadows. Then there are farmlands. The countryside is dotted with individual homes and manors. When you come to a village, there are homes and shops and pubs and schools. They are all located in and around the center of town. It is a small town - with a real town center.

We don't miss the strip malls.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Bus Inspector

I ride the buses often here in London. I prefer buses to the tube - when I have the extra time it sometimes takes because of traffic. When I pay for the bus ride, I use the Oyster Card that I use on the Underground. As I board the bus, I place my card on a pad near the driver, and it shows a green light indicating that I have paid for the ride. Sometimes the light shows red for a person, but that person will keep on going into the bus - especially if there is a crowd getting on. I have often wondered how the bus driver is supposed to handle those 'non-payers' while at the same time driving the bus. Well yesterday, I found out how that is done.

Apparently, if the bus driver realizes that one or more of the passengers has not paid the fare - he can make a call and have a Bus Inspector come to the bus and check it out. Yesterday, two inspectors boarded a bus that I was riding and, with their hand-held card machines, tested the card of every passenger on the bus. Anyone who's card was not functioning properly was dealt with by these inspectors. I didn't hang around long enough to see what happened to the non-payers; perhaps they were evicted from the bus - or maybe even fined. But it was interesting to see how the process worked.

London's Central Mosque

Our apartment is only a few short blocks from the London Central Mosque, also known as The Islamic Cultural Centre, or Regent's Park Mosque. This is one of the largest and most well known mosques in the city, and is considered to teach and promote a moderate form of Islam. For the past several days, there has been chanting - or what sounds like prayer - broadcast into the streets from the mosque at various times throughout the day and evening. I think this is related to the observance of Ramadan that began on September 1.

Last week, there was a news story presented by an undercover female reporter that told of a woman teacher at this mosque calling for death for homosexuals and adulterers.
(The story also referred to an earlier incident, two years ago, when a "hate preacher" from that mosque was convicted of soliciting murder there.)
The official response from the mosque was: "The ICC is committed to inter-faith and cross-cultural understanding. It does not support or condone extreme views, racial hatred, violence or intolerance."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grosvenor Square

Grosvenor Square is located just a few blocks away from the busy Oxford Street shopping area. It is a quiet park where people come to relax on the grass or on the benches under the green branches of beautiful tall trees.

The United States Embassy is a large building that fills the entire block along one edge of the Square. As you can see from the picture here, there are barriers erected all along the sidewalk in front of the Embassy. Inside the sidewalk barriers is at least one iron fence that surrounds the building.

The photo below shows the armed guards standing outside two reception areas in front of the Embassy. People are queued up on the sidewalk to speak with Embassy representatives.

When I held up my camera to take these pictures, I saw one of the guards looking right at me, so I motioned to him asking if it was okay to take the pictures. He gave me a 'thumbs up' sign.
Afterwards, I went over to speak with him. We commented on how much the world had changed; he said he remembered the time when he was the only man outside guarding the Embassy alone.

On the opposite side of Grosvenor Square is a memorial garden dedicated to the victims of the 9.11 attack. Written across the top of this building is "Grief is the price we pay for love."

On the ground in front of the building is a stone that has the following saying written on it:

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is not.

This garden was created in memory of all those who lost their lives in the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States of America.

The pretty garden was not included in the picture because it had yellow tape around it for maintenance.
The stone is wet in spots because, of course, it had been raining here in London.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fitness Center

Marcia and I have joined a local health club. It is a very large facility located in the next town north of us (Swiss Cottage) with a pool and several fitness center areas. Surprisingly, it is within walking distance for us. This center is a not-for-profit organization that is supported by the local government to promote health and wellness. The pictures below show the swimming pool. The windows above the pool are exercise areas and rooms for group activities. We are both enthused about using these excellent facilities in the weeks and months ahead.

School Children

School has started up again in London, and today I walked by a school where the little nursery school children were being dismissed after their morning session. They were so adorable in their uniforms that I asked the moms if I could take their pictures.

I love it that British school children wear uniforms -- complete with hats. And don't you love the pig tails too!

Camden Town

Last weekend, Carl and I walked up to Camden. The photography group that I joined has an upcoming competition on scenes from Camden, and I wanted to take some photos. It is one of the most colorful places in London.

Below is a bell ringer and horn blower who was outside a restaurant trying to drum up business.

Here's a closeup view of one market area.

This is a view of a main street with several shops.

This is an interesting looking shop for special types of clothing.

This is probably one of their customers.

It's always fun to take pictures in Camden. It's easy to find interesting subjects.

P.S. I don't plan to enter any photo competitions yet - I am still learning.