Friday, September 5, 2008

London's Central Mosque

Our apartment is only a few short blocks from the London Central Mosque, also known as The Islamic Cultural Centre, or Regent's Park Mosque. This is one of the largest and most well known mosques in the city, and is considered to teach and promote a moderate form of Islam. For the past several days, there has been chanting - or what sounds like prayer - broadcast into the streets from the mosque at various times throughout the day and evening. I think this is related to the observance of Ramadan that began on September 1.

Last week, there was a news story presented by an undercover female reporter that told of a woman teacher at this mosque calling for death for homosexuals and adulterers.
(The story also referred to an earlier incident, two years ago, when a "hate preacher" from that mosque was convicted of soliciting murder there.)
The official response from the mosque was: "The ICC is committed to inter-faith and cross-cultural understanding. It does not support or condone extreme views, racial hatred, violence or intolerance."

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