Saturday, September 6, 2008

American Election

Today, when the cashier at the gift shop realized we were Americans, she immediately asked us what we thought of Sarah Palin. She complained that her husband is "totally obsessed" with the American election -- that he watches news stories about it day and night.
(I don't know where he finds those news stories, because I can't find them myself.)

The other day, our taxi driver also brought up the election. He wanted to know what we thought of Obama. A major discussion ensued - and Carl and the taxi driver wound up agreeing to disagree.

If the English could vote - Obama would be the next president -- without any question!
They are all big fans of his over here.

UPDATE: The American ex-pat president of a local organization stated in her newsletter that some British folks have commented that they should be able to vote for the American president. They feel that they are so impacted by the results of the election that they should be able to have a say in it.

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