Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adjustment to time difference

There is an eight hour difference between London time and San Francisco time.
When Carl and I returned to London after the birth of little Nathaniel, it was Monday, and we jumped right back into our daily activities beginning on Tuesday. Carl went to the office each day, and I went to the gym two days, and then on another day I took a morning tour of London with a local group. By Friday, both of us felt more tired than usual. On Friday night, though, we both were awake several times during the night - and we put on the light and read our books to fall back to sleep.
Well, when Saturday morning came, we slept until 11:00 am. In 41 years of marriage I can count on one hand the number of times Carl has stayed in bed that late. We got up - took our showers and got dressed - then both of us lay down on the sofas and continued to read our books - and to fall off into naps throughout the afternoon.
We met our friends, Marcia and Pete, for dinner out at 6:45, and then had them to our place for dessert afterwards. Carl went to bed on time, but I discovered the presidential debates on television and decided to watch.
That was several hours ago. Now it is 2:40 am, and I am supposed to meet Marcia at 9:30 am for a trip to the Sunday markets at Brick Lane. I'm not feeling sleepy in the slightest bit, but I guess it's time to go to bed......

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