Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1

This was the scene outside our window this morning at sunrise - October 1.

Some autumn weather has arrived here, along with the month of October. The park outside our flat is still mostly green, but here and there you can see some changes in the color of the leaves. There is some yellow and brown visible if you look closely.

This is the street I take on my walk to the gym in the morning. This street, strangely enough, is called Avenue Road. It is lined with beautiful green trees, but there are several dried brown leaves on the street and sidewalk. It’s hard to tell where they have come from.

The rumor is that Paul McCartney has his home on this road – Avenue Road, that is. (I haven't bumped into him, yet - although others have.)

Speaking of the Beatles, I may have mentioned earlier that St. Johns Wood contains Abbey Road where the Beatles’ original recording studio was located. One woman who lives near Abbey Road says that tourists are constantly taking pictures of themselves walking across Abbey Road – sometimes barefoot – as the Beatles did, I guess, on an album cover.

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