The days are TOO short here in winter!
I can overlook the rain - and I can overlook the fog.
(They don't call the raincoat London Fog without good reason.)
I cannot overlook the fact that we have less than eight hours of sunlight a day.
On December 21 -- the shortest day of the year -- just a few days away --
the sun rises at 8:04 am and the sun sets at 3:54 pm.
You can turn over in bed in the morning when it is totally dark outside, and the clock can read 7:30 am.
Back home in Connecticut, on December 21, the sun rises at 7:15 am and sets at 4:23 pm. That's not great -- but it's over an hour of more daylight.
Better still, in Miami, where the sun really does shine -- it rises at 7:03 am and sets at 5:35 pm.
Now we're talking...
Just to be fair - I should mention that on JUNE 21, the days here are much longer than at home.
On the longest day of the year in London, the sun rises at 4:43 am and sets at 9:22 pm.
The lesson to be learned here -- visit London in the summertime. If you live in London, go away to Florida for the winter.
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