Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas this year promised to be very different than it is in ordinary years. We did not have any family or friends nearby. (Pete and Marcia went to Spain for Christmas. Matt and Julie were coming to visit - but not until December 28.) We did not have a Christmas tree or decorate our apartment because we had none of our Christmas decorations with us in England and we did not want to buy all new decorations here. Finally, Carl and I decided not to exchange presents because we considered this Great Adventure of ours to be our gift.

To compensate for this, and to make the holiday special for the two of us, we arranged to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day at the beautiful Park Lane hotel in London. We felt that the hotel would be decorated beautifully, and we would be surrounded by others who were also away from home for the holiday. We would also be in closer to the center of London, so we could walk around Chinatown and Leicester Square - again being with others. (The London tube service was completely shut down for Christmas day - so it would have been more difficult to get into town on Christmas otherwise.)

We also made reservations for Christmas day to have High Tea at the Ritz Hotel. That would give us a destination for the day.

It was a good plan. On the afternoon of Christmas eve, we checked into the hotel (and because of a problem with the plumbing, had our Junior Suite upgraded to an enormous suite with a living room, dining area, huge bedroom and two baths. (The woman at the desk said it was the best room in the hotel.)

We went to Westminster Abbey for a 4pm Christmas service. There was a long line - as you can see in the photo below, and we wound up standing through the ceremony. We could not see the altar, but the choir was excellent. The music felt like a physical touch - it was so beautiful. I was thrilled to be at a Christmas service in this most revered cathedral in London where all the kings and queens are crowned and all the royal weddings take place. (I remember watching the coronation of Queen Elizabeth on television when I was in Canada.)

After the service, we walked by Big Ben and Parliament with a Christmas tree outside.

Then we returned to the hotel and sat in the very comfortable large lounge area to have drinks and dinner. As we had hoped, there were other people in the room - and it was certainly more festive than it would have been at home in our flat.

On Christmas day, we went for tea at 1:30 at the Ritz -- where a jacket and tie are required. It was a gorgeous room, decorated beautifully, and it was also a very festive place. They officially do not allow pictures to be taken - but they overlook it, as long as you do not use your flash. Below is the one picture I took from our table with a flash. All the others, without the flash, did not turn out, unfortunately.

There were waiters swarming all over the room, serving sandwiches without crusts (including cucumber sandwiches), scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, and pastries. And, of course, there was tea - which was made with loose tea that had to be poured through the silver tea strainer placed on top of the cup. (Later, it rested on its matching silver holder.) A pianist played Christmas music in the background. (I guess it wasn't all Christmas music - because when we walked in, she was playing "Putting on the Ritz.") Everything was perfect.

The kind gentleman at the next table offered to take our picture for us - after the waiter declined the request.

After our meal at the Ritz, we walked around the city for a while - then decided to return home to our flat, rather than spend a second night at the hotel. Back at home, we spoke with family members on the phone- exchanging good wishes. (It was still early on Christmas morning for them.) Then we watched some more British mysteries on television before going to bed early.

Our English Christmas was a very different Christmas for us.

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