Friday, August 8, 2008

Walking along the canal to Camden Town

A few weeks ago, I walked along the canal up to Camden Town. This canal is one of many that were used throughout London way back in history to move people and goods around town. Nowadays, it is a route for tour boats and some house boats to use, and there are sidewalks alongside the canal for taking interesting walks -- which is what I did.

Here are some of the sights I saw along the way.

This is a long view ahead, where in the distance the street cleaner is picking up trash.
As you can see, the canal is separate from the regular sidewalks and streets. I had to walk down a set of stairs to enter the canal walking area; there is no other way in or out of the canal area until the next set of stairs a mile or so ahead.

Here are some houseboats parked along the side. There were several areas designated for docking boats -- with a limit on the length of time they could remain.

This house had a tree house built in the back yard...

....and a boat in the water.

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