Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More family arrives

Early Wednesday morning, Carl's brother Paul, and his wife Carol, arrived for a five-day stay. They 'hit the ground running' and all six of us went off to Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Temple Church. They started to droop a little in the afternoon, so I accompanied them back to the flat so they could take a brief nap.

Meanwhile, while they were sleeping, I did some shopping. Then I attended the St. John's Wood Library Book Group meeting, where we discussed Lolita. One woman in the group, Louise, helped me carry my purchases home after the meeting ended, and came upstairs to meet the family. She told me about another St. John's Wood group on Interior Design and Fine Art that meets monthly, and suggested that I join. I think I will.

For dinner, the six of us took the tube to try a recommended Indian restaurant. It was a smashing success!

Another good day.

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