The temperature has ranged in the 40s through 60s, mostly cloudy and with some rain almost every day. A couple of days have been very grey with downpours. Most days, though, the sun generally manages to make an appearance, however briefly, regardless of how rainy or cloudy it has been.
These conditions seem to be perfect for the colorful flowers blooming everywhere: crocuses, daffodils, tulips, pansies, geraniums, and many other beauties I cannot name.
I read recently on a local website that the British do not view gardening as a hobby, but rather as an art form. It surely seems like art when you look around.
There are signs on many street corners and the sides of buildings informing us that CCTV (closed circuit television) is monitoring us.
We met our back-door neighbors earlier this week – while we were both putting out our trash.
They are a couple around our age, from “
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