Friday, March 28, 2008


Today marks two weeks since we have been in our apartment. And this morning – just this morning – we had a major happening here. British Telecom sent an engineer to our apartment and hooked us up with a telephone – a real, live, land-line telephone!! This is a monumental occurrence in London. Nobody believes you are here until BT says you have a telephone and you have arrived. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked for a BT bill to prove my residency. We didn’t have a BT bill yet, because the engineer was back scheduled for a couple of weeks and couldn’t get to us until today. However, we did have an official letter from BT telling us what our phone number is. Thank heavens! (I actually had to show that letter when I joined the local library.) Believe it or not, until we got a BT phone line installed, we could not get our Sky television programming installed ... or our broadband installed for the computer. (Both of those are happening tomorrow - now that BT has graced us with their phone line.) Before today, we have been using our cell phones exclusively, but that only helped us to communicate, it didn’t give us anything near the significance and status of being a BT customer. I have to say, we have not felt officially here – not really officially here in London – until NOW - now that we have a BT phone line.

When the BT engineer finally arrived today – I welcomed him and told him I felt as if I were meeting God.

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